Tuesday, October 9, 2007

post birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and I did not go to work because me and my officemate had a little drink in the boarding house and was carried away by alcohol. Thanks to Melita who arrived late and thus, the session started before our shift and missed it.

I called my immediate supervisor and she agreed since it was my birthday though in a short notice (2hrs before shift to be exact). However, when I arrived today, she talked to me and said she will issue a memo because our manager told so. What the f#%*! Ms. T (who has the sexiest legs I ever see) got dissapointed when she found out that half of the production floor was desserted. I can't blame her because 3 of them was on my boarding house and having a heated conversation induced by alcohol. In fairness to my colleague, they still went to work for half day, half-sleepy and smelly (mixture of puke and alcohol). For consolation, my sup told me that she will dismiss it and it will be for formality purpose only to serve as a warning. On top of it, whenever I am sick or comatose in the couch or simply my arse become heavy and could not go to work, I should ask permission directly to Ms. T.

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